
Interested in Critical Hit?

todayApril 13, 2023 67 1

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We’re interested in YOU! Critical Hit is a guild located on Arygos/Llane and has been around for more than 10 years.  With an active and mature roster, CH is focused on Mythic+ and Raids for  all levels of experience. In 10.0, we are currently 8/8N, 8/8H, and 1/8M. At any time, you can find people running keys from 2-19+.

Featuring a highly active and driven community, we like to think of ourselves as “medium core” – we want to see and experience that harder content, but in a much more relaxed atmosphere.

We are currently raiding on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15-11pm EST.

While we are interested in players of any roles, we are really looking for DPS. Please check us out in game by reaching out to any leadership on Arygos. In addition, you’re welcome to hop in our discord and get to know us there.


Looking forward to meeting you! 😉

Written by: Natalea

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